Victoria Christensen LLC

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Thoughts on The Global Dark Night of the Soul

Oh my …..these times are dark!  I have been through many layers of grief regarding numerous social problems and environmental crisis.  It is clear that this crisis--this dark night of the soul-- is creating a massive awakening on a global scale.   While we see neoconservative and corporate agendas stifling the growth to healthier systems, we are also witnesses major positive shifts globally--in social democracy, environmental protection, human rights, and protections to the earth and all living beings on this planet. It has been inspiring to see how effective the youth climate strike has been; however, they also know they are up against centuries of exploitation of the earth and  people under the  unregulated corporate capitalistic system. 

There has been a lot of debate around how much time we truly have to make global changes and if it is even possible. All of this will be known in the near future. It is my hope that we can all unite for change, but I have a healthy skepticism as a social scientist. When we have continually marginalized visionary sociologists for centuries, it doesn't make me very hopeful.  We have now passed the tipping point, which is what Al Gore spent his entire life educating various countries about.  I am appalled that his book An Inconvenient Truth, was not made mandatory reading by all global citizens. 

We have to be utterly realistic about the facts, but also try to find some hope to keep us motivated each day. We are being forced to surrender to the unknown right now, which makes people uncomfortable as we have to sit with all the difficult emotions of facing our individual and collective shadows. The damage done to the earth is unprecedented and some think it is impossible to restore the damage done to our home (Gaia).  There is a lot that is NOT being said by our politicians.  It think they know that in order to rally for change, we need to accept the sobering facts, but also lead with fierce radical humanitarian and ecological values.  As a social research, I embrace evidence based research, but also deeply understand how political spirituality is.  The new paradigm is a harmonious relationship and mutual respect of science and mysticism; however, so many are oblivious to the shadow of old paradigm science. 

As a therapist that works with vulnerable and traumatize people, resilience and full recovery is not always possible. And we are all very confused about how long we have on this planet as GAIA is already showing signs of massive imbalance in equalibrium.  People need some inkling of hope that we can unite for the Earth and our ability to live on this beautiful planet. It is great to see so many minority women in congress, but particularly advocating for underprivaleged populations and indigenous peoples having more clout in environmental policy.  

It is also inspiring to see how many change makers in various disciplines are debating and envisioning The New Systems Shift on a global scale.  I have been doing a lot of research myself in regenerative cultures, which have been theorized by numerous social ecologists, environmentalists, sociologists, and economists for centuries now. However, we are now in a postmodern era with complex social problems and never before have we been up against the possible reality of a mass extinction.  While many of the problems have been occurring for awhile now, there has been a lot of complacency, anomie, and ignorance. 

However, everything is being radically exposed now--we are finally seeing that our democracy has been corrupted and is one of the first things that needs to be repaired.  It is amazing how long it takes for social systems to change, particularly when it is benefitting a corporate power elite who doesn't want change to occur and they own all the vital natural resources. We have given our power away for too long now and we are in a global crisis in every way. This reality has created a multiple of dark night of the soul symptoms which includes higher rates of depression, anxiety, mental illness, addiction, trauma, and suicide. 

Working in the trenches of our communities, I see the suffering that people are experiencing up close and personal. The band aid solutions to larger structural change clearly aren't working and we all know radical changes need to be made.  So many people are falling through the cracks in our social system, particularly vulnerable people such as mentally ill, disabled folks, and senior citizens.  I won't go in to all of these social problems now as most of us have been inundated with them--one crisis after the next.

More reflections to come….